Are you people genuine? Is it possible to buy IELTS Certificate online?
Yes we are 100% genuine. We have been doing this since 2006, and have recorded thousands of successful registrations.
The goal here is that, you should be able to verify your certificate online after your process. We totally discourage you to submit a certificate that you haven’t verify online. We denounce the usage of fake certificates.
Will i get Banned or caught by the immigration if i obtain my certificate using this method?
A very big no. You Won’t be caught or discovered by any organization or embassy.
Reasons below:
1.1 We are using a legal way to register you.
There is no difference between you and the person who is writing the exam to acquire his certificate.
1.2 You data is 100% safe. Your privacy is in our DNA. Everything ends between you and us. You can learn more by visiting our privacy and Policy page
1.3 We are a registered charity: 234131 (England.USA and Wales) SC047733 (Scotland). You can check down the footer of this site.
1.4 We don’t produce fake certificates nor make them. All we do is use a proper route to register you without you going through the overall exam
Can i use this certificate for immigration?
Yes you can use it 100% for immigration purposes. And any other thing you wish to use it for. There is no difference between you and the person who obtained his certificate after writing the exam. All are the same certificates.
We know you must be asking yourself if its genuine/legit or not. But let me shock you.
British IELTS Certification does visa
Assistance and immigration services. Clients come to us for visa related services, and we request them to submit their IELTS Certificate which we verify before accepting their
documents. So how can we give you a document that the immigration, embassy, school or organization won’t recognize?
As we earlier mentioned, we don’t fix or make certificates, we register you using a proper and legal route. The only advantage we got is, we work with insiders from centers. And that’s one of the main reason why we can’t register without booking you a test or use a valid test date. All certificates are issued by the British council /IDP
Disclaimer: We don’t fix or make certificates. We uses insiders same as we are one of them, to
help you achieve this without you going through the overall examination process. Same as we have to use your country center to achieve this.
Without their permission and access, we can’t do anything.
Do you have proof any successful registration?
Yes we do have more than enough testimonials and previous work to present to you.
Note that we don’t share previous candidates data to the general public. It’s against our policy.
Learn more
We will recommend you start by clicking on the link below to visit our testimonials page. Then contact your agent for more in case you need
Can you send us a student contact you have previously registered?
t’s our right to protect every single student data and do release them only when they have granted us permission to.
As you can read on the entire website. Your data is safe with us and we can’t release them to the
How can i trust your process?
You have every reason to trust us because we are officials and a fully registered organization. A registered subsidiary charity: 209131 (England,USA and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland).
We can grant you access to our official documents so you can confirm this information above.
Apart from the Verification Diskette and username logins, what other means can i verify that my document is real before i start using it?
You can go to the consular of the supposed country or the authorities of the supposed certificate to verify with them. For example, if we produced you a IELTS certificate, you can take the certificate to the British Council for them to
verify the certificate. And if we are producing you a TOEFL certificate, then you shall take the certificate to the ETS center for them to verify the certificate for you in case of any doubts. This is your Right and you don’t have anything to worry about.
What are your Experience and Expertise?
We have years of experience and expertise in providing valid IELTS certificate. We have a team of experienced data professional hackers and IT technicians who know their work well. It is the hard work of our team that has made it
possible for us to provide thousands of original
IELTS certificate for sale. Also, our huge network includes examiners and test setters who have
more than 25 years of experience in this field. If you take help from us, you don’t have to take the stress of the exam. This means, we let you buy legit IELTS certificate with ease